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How to Handle a Laptop Water Spill: Tips from Bombay Computers

liquid spilled on macBefore delving into tips on reviving or salvaging your laptop or MacBook, let’s cover some basics. In the event of a liquid spill on any device, it is imperative to seek professional assessment from an expert or a nearby repair store. Only a thorough physical examination can ensure the device’s safety and preempt any potential damage that may arise in the future due to liquid exposure. At our Apple repair center in Mumbai, we encounter cases of liquid spills on Macs, and our track record includes numerous successful repairs. The success of the repair largely depends on how promptly users bring their devices to us; with a swift response within a few hours, we boast a 90% success rate.

Power Disconnection Protocol: Upon detecting a spill, promptly disconnect the power source. This is particularly crucial for laptops with metal bodies, as it can prevent potentially severe consequences. The recommended procedure is to power off the device, unplug it from the main power source, and then disconnect it from the charging port. Additionally, if there are any peripheral devices connected, such as flash drives or lightning cables, ensure they are also promptly disconnected.

Cleaning Procedure: After disconnecting the power, use a towel or cloth to gently wipe the affected area. It is advisable to employ a few layers of tissue paper, as they absorb liquid quickly. Repeat this process 2-3 times to ensure there is no visible liquid remaining. When cleaning the display, exercise caution and apply very light pressure to prevent potential damage.

Contact a Nearby Apple Repair Center: Prior to closing the laptop lid, make a call to your local laptop repair center. Clearly communicate the specific area of the laptop where the liquid has been spilled, as this information is crucial. Follow the instructions provided by the repair center. You can also reach out to us at +91-977-300-4903, where you can share the model information, and we will gladly offer initial assistance. Even if you’re not located in Mumbai, we remain accessible via WhatsApp during our working hours.

Cautionary Measures: For users of a new MacBook, refrain from reopening the lid immediately after closing it, as the device will attempt to boot. If any liquid has reached the logic board, it may result in a short circuit. Avoid attempting to plug in the charger and power on the device. Additionally, resist the temptation to use a dryer machine to hasten the drying process, as drying liquid on components can lead to corrosion and eventual component failure within a few days.

Cautionary Measures: For users of a new MacBook, refrain from reopening the lid immediately after closing it, as the device will attempt to boot. If any liquid has reached the logic board, it may result in a short circuit. Avoid attempting to plug in the charger and power on the device. Additionally, resist the temptation to use a dryer machine to hasten the drying process, as drying liquid on components can lead to corrosion and eventual component failure within a few days.

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