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MacBook repair in Navi Mumbai

Macbook repair in Navi Mumbai

Searching for macbook repair in Navi Mumbai? you have reached the right place we at Bombay Computers provide service related to all Apple devices such as macbook pro, macbook air, imac & mac mini which includes repair & hardware upgrade makes devices faster in terms of booting or multitasking if you still own an old macbook pro or imac and post macOS big sure update facing issue like slow or hangs randomly we have a right solution to fix it we are available online on chat or you can dial 977-300-4903 to reach us we are available from 9.30 am to 8.00 pm at the workshop. If there is a liquid spilled on your mac you can contact us anytime we will be happy to assist you with the initial process rest so we can minimize the damage which liquid can do.macbook repair in navi mumbai

Macbook repair in Navi Mumbai

What is SSD Upgrade: Generally in the old macs such as the 2012 model it has 4GB of memory & 500GB of standard hard drive this hard disk has a transfer rate about 100 MBps–200 MBps which was good enough when macOS & apps were smaller but nowadays the macOS and apps have become heavy which transfer lots of data on when you click and 100 MBps–200 MBps data transfer rate is not enough hence the SSD which mean solid-state drive in another word there is no spinning disk inside like we have on Hard drive or HDD, SSD are faster as they can transfer 3500 MB/s and above hence the overall performance of the laptop increases SSD is faster, lighter, more durable, and uses less energy hard drive can fail anytime due to bad sector, etc but failing SSD is quite rare the data is safer when you have SSD in your drive, Data recovery can cost lots of money if you are planning to upgrade do consult with one of our technician on the chat [CLICK2CHAT]

Macbook Repair Onsite: There are many issues in any macbook or imac we can fix onsite such as macOS installation, display replacement, keyboard replacement, battery change, trackpad change, or hardware upgrade if you are facing any issue with your device you can call and check if that issue can be fixed at your place. We do not charge anything for diagnosis as if we can’t fix it you don’t owe us anything.

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