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Apple Macbook Battery Cycle Count & Health Explained

Why Lithium-ion batteries: Apple has been #1 when it comes to the backup of the battery of any iPhone, iPad or Macbook Pro, or Mac Air as they are using Lithium-ion batteries which keep them on the top when comes to backup of any laptop or macbook. These batteries have higher battery life and are lightweight which makes the backup time longer while keeping the weight in check which allows apple to create slim devices.


80 % & 20 % Charging Explained: The apple battery is designed to perform faster while making sure the longevity of the battery is maintained hence Apple lithium-ion battery uses fast charging to quickly reach 80 percent of its capacity, then switches to slower trickle charging which keeps the battery in check by wearing out. The initial 80% will be fast charging and the rest 20% will happen intermittently which will allow the macbook user to get most of the battery charged quickly along with making sure the health of the device is good. The software also controls the way it charges if the software detects the temperature of the battery is above the limit it starts charging slower.


Battery Cycle: The way the lithium-ion battery hardware + software works is more like a mini-computer, how the charge should happen and how to control charging which includes the high temperature while charging is completely controlled by the small circuit soldered on the battery itself which basically a manager for the battery which controls all functions if you’re an apple user you might have come with a term called Battery Cycle count this is basically a count how many time your battery has reached 100 percent but not to worry and charge it whenever you want. There’s no need to let it discharge 100 percent before charging back as Apple lithium-ion batteries work in charge cycles for instance if you charge 100 percent and next use only 50% and charged back 50% again which uses used same-day total discharged percent is 100 hence will be counted as 1 cycle.

Using Fake Chargers: The OEM charger which comes with the device is safer when compared with the third-party chargers. This charger can damage the logic board, and charging port of the mac as these chargers are made using cheap components which always fluctuate the charging current. Whenever you are planning to buy a charger for your mac you can contact the macbook repair service center and also make sure the charger comes with a warranty.